Ari Árelíus – The Bridge

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Sounds like:
JOE P, Bay Ledges, Tim Atlas

What’s so good?

"The Bridge" by Icelandic guitarist, producer and songwriter, Ari Árelíus, was actually Dylan's top pick of the week. As the world's unofficial premier music connoisseur, that's saying a lot.I love how humans take inspiration from the world around us to make sense of our inner abstract landscapes. In this case, the artist has taken the form of a bridge and used it to portray a message. Speaking to the track, he explains:"Building a bridge can symbolise creating a path to move forward, transcending the chaos and emotional challenges associated with the past. The song explores themes of change, loss, and the effort to find a way forward amidst personal and environmental upheaval, reflecting the search for growth in a chaotic inner and outer climate."The soundscape created is intriguing, and the message even more so. Give yourself a moment to take it in, let it fuse with you, and in so doing, you'll make it to the other end of your bridge.

1. Original post: Ari Árelíus – The Bridge

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.